Monday, June 8, 2009

The Main Reasons to Use Candle Making Kits

The Main Reasons to Use Candle Making Kits

If you've read my previous blog posts, you know my name is Carol Stevens and I make a living out of selling my own hand-made candles and teaching others how to make candles as well.

I've been making candles for a little over 5 years now and this is how I got to understand how important using candle making kits is!

I wasted a loot of money and a loot of time trying to figure out what ingredients, supplies, and materials to buy and use for making candles.

Little did I know, I could have saved all of that time and money by just buying candle making kits!

See candle making kits bring everything you could possibly need to get start making candles. They are actually so popular that people of all ages and all levels of candlemaking use them.

Candle making kits are now so easy to use that they are even sold for children to begin making candles as well. Children absolutely love using these kits because they are so easy to use and get started into the action of creating candles.

When I started making scented candles all I had were two candle making kits (soy candle and beeswax candle sets) and an ebook (which you can read by clicking on the url link in this paragraph).

It was super easy to get started and I now make money out of making my own candles!

Why I Use a Candle Making Mold

Why I Use a Candle Making Mold

Why do I use a candle making mold? Because I'd be dumb not to!

Think about it, if there is an easy way for me to make any shape of candle possible by just pouring the wax and then extracting it when cools... why would I want to not do it that way? Why would I want to make my life more difficult?

I am all about simplifying my life... not complicating it. This is why I use a candle making mold any chance I get.

Believe me, my life already has enough complications! (Did you know I've got two teenage daughters... Need I say more!?)

I've made all kinds of candles in different shapes by using a candle making mold. These molds are very economic, make your candlemaking experience run a lot smoother, and allow you to focus your attention and energy on creating beautiful candles and having fun!

The Soy Candle Making Supplies You Can't Do Without!

The Soy Candle Making Supplies You Can't Do Without!

Soy candle making supplies are essential for making soy candles.

If you care about your health, your family's health, and the health of our planet, you are very likely to enjoy and really be curious about making soy candles.

I've made soy candles and really enjoy using soy candle making supplies very much. I especially love the fact that I can create gorgeous and fancy soy candles that are healthy for me and look extremely luxurious for about 20% of what it would cost me if I were to buy them at a boutique!

I personally use soy candles all around my bathroom. It gives it that relaxing and cozy spa feeling that I absolutely love... now on to my list.

Soy Candle Supplies You Must Have

  1. Soy wax. This type of wax comes microwaveable too.
  2. Dye blocks. You'll need dye to color your soy candles whatever color you choose.
  3. Candle Fragrance. There are tons of fragrances to pick from and they give your candles that luxurious smell that you would smell in a spa.
  4. Candle making mold. Using a candle making mold allows you to create soy candles in any shape imaginable. Quickly, easily, and inexpensively.
  5. Candle making kits. If you are new to candle making, my best advice to you is to run and get yourself candle making kits. That is probably the main tool you will need to get started in candle making as quickly as possible. And, you'll see how much money you save too since the kits bring everything that you need already in them!
Wanna find out how I started making scented candles out of soy candle making supplies?

My Special List of Essential CandleMaking Supplies

My Special List of Essential Candlemaking Supplies

Whether you are creating candles out of soy wax, beeswax, paraffin, or gel, there are specific candlemaking supplies you must have.

My list of essential candlemaking supplies is as follows:

  1. Wax product. You should have a variety of waxes in your home so that you can create whatever type of candle your heart desires without having to worry about having to go to the store to go get the necessary wax.
  2. Candle Making mold. These molds are great and help you to make candles in different shapes easily and fast... and without a mess!
  3. Candle Scents. Everyone loves scented candles. These scents come in all types of fragrances.
  4. Dye blocks for candles. Using dye blocks you can give color to your candles and make them come to life.

These are the top 4 candlemaking supplies that nobody should be without.

They are the essential elements to starting to make scented candles at home.

What Gel Candle Supplies Do I Recommend?

What Gel Candle Supplies Do I Recommend?

Tons of people love making gel candles because it allows for so much creativity. I guess this is why I've gotten asked "what gel candle supplies do I recommend?" so many times.

So to answer your question.... Here is my list.

My Top Gel Candle Supplies
  1. Gel Wax. This is a totally different type of wax to soy and paraffin because it boils and cools clear.
  2. Candle making mold. I am a firm believe of candle making molds, if you've read my other posts, you'll see how much I love them and use them myself!
  3. Candle Fragrances.
  4. Candle dye. Gel candles are able to be colored.
  5. Candle Accessories. Because gel candles boil and cool into clear gel, the best part about them is everything you can put inside of them! Let your creativity go wild and make theme based candles for yourself, your home, your children, your grandchildren, friends, and the holidays!

Photo by Danwk71

How I'm Making Money From Making Scented Candles

How I'm Making Money from Making Scented Candles

Hello everyone! Welcome to my Blog! And, thank you for taking the time and having the interest to read my posts!

My name is Carol Stevens and I've been making scented candles for a little over 5 years. What started out as a hobby is now a full blown business.

During my first year of candle making, I made candles for myself, my friends, and my family. I actually gave candles to everyone that I could. I mean I love making candles so I literally had tons of candles that were gorgeous and were just sitting around the house.

So, I realized that I could save a lot of money giving out these candles as presents in cute gift baskets and that is exactly what I did.

As luck would have it... my friends showed off their candles to other people and in a couple of months, I was getting phone calls from complete strangers asking me to take down their orders! I got phone calls for baptisms, birthday parties, weddings, and christenings! And that was just within the first six months! We all know word travels fast but I had no idea HOW fast!

So, now I'm making money making scented candles, selling them, and teaching others how to do it too!

Learn how I got started making scented candles right now!